Transit Board game
Transit is a game involving traveling around the world. At each destination the players draw cards that reveal different situations that could happen to you while traveling. The situations can be fun and positive or negative and this determines if the players gain or lose money in the game. I created a game about traveling because I feel that there is a large population that has an aspiration to travel, but never really have the time and money to do so. In the game I created scenarios that could actually happen to someone while traveling which makes it feel more personable. On the other hand, the people who have traveled might have had experienced some of these positives or negatives while they embarked on their journeys which could turn into a fun conversation piece while playing the game.
The illustrations of this game have a crisp clean aspect with a specific color palette of muted color tones that will attract the adult population. The colors also pertain to the nature and monuments within the game.